whenever i am out
around the town and about
i find that i find myself
under surveillance, a piece of intel
but i’m not.
there is no one watching me.
not that i’m not interesting,
desirable (or a hidden no. 3)
maybe everyone, around and about,
is merely surveilling themselves?
it's a feeling nevertheless
that i get on the semi-regular
eyes on my shoulders and neck
ears both high and low tech
is it narcissism if they don’t care?
Schizophrenia is when they’re just not there.
i’m not paranoid or scared
i’m not unarmed or laid bare
it presents no hindrance nor deterrent
slows my step not by one
it is a little unnerving.
worse, it seems inconsequential
with just the hint of dire potential
lacking the impending sky of rain-pour torrential
just enough to lower my voice
look around before acting
think twice with every choice